it's been a very long time since i've updated.its not that i'm very busy or what but i'm just being caught up in "JC Life".just wanna enjoy the bliss while i can.much have happen how the past few weeks.we just got our classes today i'm in 1SC7.seems like an interesting class hopefully they will be a fun lot of people.
academics for JC 1 has yet to reach 2 weeks and i was like involved in 2 academic competitions.crazy man.luckily the results were comendable.whew... if not it would have been a total waste of my time...
firstly was the AMC ACJC to join this competition like all of us have to go through a selection test before we can take part.welll thats smth new to sec school it was like all in the maths olympiad programme has to take part in AMC, SMO blah blah blah....
so like i didn't even studied maths for like the past 3 mths so i think i wasn't really at my peak performance i think.but by God's grace i managed to make it into the highly acclaimed team.both J1s and J2s had to compete together so it was like some sort of disadvantage to in the end only 30 out of the multitues made the cut and i'm happen to be one of them.hahas.was rather surprised we shall wait for the actually competition
then the other competition was today held by the SMC.this time it was maths and science though there were far more greater emphasis on science and IT which i know nuts abt.maths was just a very small portion but the standard was pitched at much higher level for the maths component i felt that i was taking part in Maths Olympiad again.standards were really high.astronomy was, chem and physics was okay...
we had to form a team of 3.but 1 member could not make it and he was an ASEAN scholar so i was like our team die liao lah...cos the 1st round was based on the 3 individual scores add by the end of the test i was like i don't think we stand a chance.cos when my other team members handed up their ans i glanced through their ans and those that i was rather sure i got correct, they had different ans so i was like gonna man.
then a funny thing was we were all along at the LT and the organisers call me up asking where we were and ask us to come to the LT now when in the 1st place we WERE IN THE LT.totally that point of time it didn't struck me that the only reason why they called me is to make sure we were present so we can proceed to the final round but of course i realised on hindsight that that was the only reason...they can't be calling up
so i(in fact all of us)were shocked that we made it into the only 3 teams made it out of the countless team that took part since every OG and class had to take part...that was really a surprised i must say.far greater than the AMC.i would like to think that all 3 of us contribute equally to the success i hope...i believe they gonna collect our prize on friday...the inaugural one...
i finally knew the reason y i was placed here and not anywhere else.i knew that he had a purpose and i have a higher calling....every group right??
Jonathan J. Taylor
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
1st week in ACJC

woo....1st week just went by like that.... ACJC is a damn fun jc man.anyone who can go in should go in man.had one week of orientation.
one culture shock:ACJC like to do everything also want to 1st wad like abit not used to it.but after a few days i found it quite fun.our clan head is super hyper too.he's a damn cool guy.for the 1st 3 days in the morning we had talks after subject talks,principle talks, vice principle talks, level head talks, THE talk, CCP talk, just talks until afternoon then can go for the solid orientation programme.
the games we play are damn havoc.that is what we are famous for anyway.we played in the mud.played in starch.ewwww....quite sick at first but after that quite fun there's still this soap game the shampoo game where by we see whoch grp can produce the most foam..haha we won ....tks to those girls with ultra long hair..
at first everyone was sian.then like talk among their small grp of like 3 ppl then after that we start to see each others' real character and personality and we start to open and start to like really bond together.our OGLs(nick and yu hui) was very good, hyper and enthu too....other than games they talked to us abt the sch life and subject combi and advise us to choose wisely.....nick can dance damn well too.afterall he is in AC dance...
yeah attended some "lectures" on the last day.nth much actually.just talked abt the syllabus and those uni courses that need their subjects.i missed chem lecture cos i saw the wrong timing but nonetheless i caught up with my friends so should be ok......afterall 1st lecture how much can u miss??ok lah just some introductary...
oh on the 4th day we went out to marina played and eat.and at the food card we started playing cards.quite cool went home around 9+ or 10+....for the 1st few days i was like damn tired everyday.trying to snatch as much sleep as possible with every possible opportunity.
so on monday i only have to attend 2 lectures.GP and Maths but still got to stay till around 6,7pm for cross country training.anyway our school's policy is the earliest time we can leave is 1.30.the ACJC canteen thing is quite ex compared to my sec on meals everyday i spent abt $5+ for a simple meal.but wateva lah...i got increased salary, allowance and bonuses...haha...i'm going to give my family a treat soon.....of course only the best will do even though "The Best is Yet to Be"haha
quite excited about cross training...wanna see if i can take their rigour and see howmuch distance they cover during training..hopefully i won't find it very tough.then wed i can look forward to track training.and yeah we got buy some very cool GC that cost $ its so cool man...but i guess we would only get into our classes by the end of the for the next 2 weeks we would be with our OG.guess its gonna be quite fun afterall its up to us to make the most of the time we together...
oh yah how can i forget abt Firandae.quite fun lah.saw performance by ACSian Theatre and AC dance.both truly awesome and award winning performances.i guess we can expect much more of such quality performances from the performing arts grp in the coming mths and years.saw some games had the mass dance thing.then we started to go wild and start running around in the "train" format.quite fun.
Quote Sameer: "its the best party ever"haha.but it ended quite soon very fast...Oh our OG(yu hui) also bought for us kind...
so in all the orientation is damn fun made quite alot of new friends i'm face with one of the greatest decisions.i really pray everything will fall into place and pls don't give me added problem,stress and really sucks to be in my position for this situation...highly complicated...
just gonna leave it to God and cast all my worries to Him and let go so MOVE IT!! STEP ASIDE!!!!!
I believe God have a purpose in making me go to ACJC and i think my walk with him will get closer day by day.draw near to me and i'll draw near to you....just gonna let your plan unfold.
you are the porter I am the clay
make me and mould me
make me and mould me
this is all I pray
i'm in the midst of writing another literacy work.hopefully i can publish it soon.but it rather negative in a way but its gonna be so true in depicting what we are gonna see around us in these last days....
i guess by following the following values we won't really go wrong
"To God be the Glory
The Best is Yet to Be"
-Jonathan Taylor
Thursday, January 29, 2009
11-inches above ground
watching America's Next Top Model now....
haha....went to see a doctor today.not for cold, not for fever but for some lower back pain.hahas....
The reason??being CRAZY in NewYork last year.hahas
We were supposed to do in some opening of a new store in NY and we all decided to do something crazy and provocative.I mean all of us in this line has to be provocative we decided to be really over the top this time.
we decided to dorn this huge chanel sunglass for some funk and add more what really caused the back pain was obviously not the chanel glasses but our footwear.
our ultra reatrded was so crazy that we had to have it pre-order.hahas.actually we all chip in the design to the final was our funky masterpiece.since it was like winter we decided to have boots of course and the heals were the one that caused all the pain that all of us had to endure during the opening ceremony and the pain we had to suffer till 1 month already and none of us had recovered yet.crazy we were all quite worried that we really sustained some permanent i decided to have a check just for physcological reasons.
the base of our boots was 6-inches pointed heals on 5-inches we were all elevated that will make me 207.5cm.OMG.we were really towering above others at the opening.haha's was fun arriving in was a great experience for all of us i guess.but i got to say that the interior of the boots was really comfortable with thick fur throughout the whole interior with velvet and crytals on the exterior on goat's leather.
it was all wobbly and shaky at first but we all got used to it and was mastering the technique of it quite easily.afterall its not that we have never been on heals at all.its just that the one we have is not that the pain set in half way and in the car we just literally ripped out our boots.legs all cramped and sore and it was then that we felt the pain in all our backs.esp the lower back where all the straining and balance was.
actually we just went up to our room bare footed and still shaky and weak all over.and the floor was so cold that it just numb your feet which in some sense good so we won't feel the pain.but it was not.the pain from the boots is in the bones but the chill from the floor is in the skin so it was pain on pain.luckily the next few days was not so hectic.just some short appearence for us.
so the doctor just diagnosed it to be some strain in the lower back.whew...luckily not some bone prob or wat eva.i still can lay my palm flat on the floor so i guess it should and i hope it would not be some big prob and hopefully the pain would subside after a while and the medications i was given.
hais...tmr at 8am.we would know what school we would go...
should i be worried?afraid? or excited?i don't know.i guess i will still be sleeping.since waking up early or late won't really change the fact of what school i i go so might as well sleep longer.provided i can sleep that is...
haha....went to see a doctor today.not for cold, not for fever but for some lower back pain.hahas....
The reason??being CRAZY in NewYork last year.hahas
We were supposed to do in some opening of a new store in NY and we all decided to do something crazy and provocative.I mean all of us in this line has to be provocative we decided to be really over the top this time.
we decided to dorn this huge chanel sunglass for some funk and add more what really caused the back pain was obviously not the chanel glasses but our footwear.
our ultra reatrded was so crazy that we had to have it pre-order.hahas.actually we all chip in the design to the final was our funky masterpiece.since it was like winter we decided to have boots of course and the heals were the one that caused all the pain that all of us had to endure during the opening ceremony and the pain we had to suffer till 1 month already and none of us had recovered yet.crazy we were all quite worried that we really sustained some permanent i decided to have a check just for physcological reasons.
the base of our boots was 6-inches pointed heals on 5-inches we were all elevated that will make me 207.5cm.OMG.we were really towering above others at the opening.haha's was fun arriving in was a great experience for all of us i guess.but i got to say that the interior of the boots was really comfortable with thick fur throughout the whole interior with velvet and crytals on the exterior on goat's leather.
it was all wobbly and shaky at first but we all got used to it and was mastering the technique of it quite easily.afterall its not that we have never been on heals at all.its just that the one we have is not that the pain set in half way and in the car we just literally ripped out our boots.legs all cramped and sore and it was then that we felt the pain in all our backs.esp the lower back where all the straining and balance was.
actually we just went up to our room bare footed and still shaky and weak all over.and the floor was so cold that it just numb your feet which in some sense good so we won't feel the pain.but it was not.the pain from the boots is in the bones but the chill from the floor is in the skin so it was pain on pain.luckily the next few days was not so hectic.just some short appearence for us.
so the doctor just diagnosed it to be some strain in the lower back.whew...luckily not some bone prob or wat eva.i still can lay my palm flat on the floor so i guess it should and i hope it would not be some big prob and hopefully the pain would subside after a while and the medications i was given.
hais...tmr at 8am.we would know what school we would go...
should i be worried?afraid? or excited?i don't know.i guess i will still be sleeping.since waking up early or late won't really change the fact of what school i i go so might as well sleep longer.provided i can sleep that is...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
sometimes its not very wise to drive MERC over to rather"corrupted" countries like in my case M'sia.cos if i don't remember wrongly the last trip i went to San Francisco they wanted my passport photo change so...
not that i didn't bother but i somehow just slipped out of my didn't get it done.cause they wrote change photo in the passport and i somehow did that smart immigrati0n officer(woman somemore) seeing that we are good money trees that she can grab(or more like ripped off) extra cash from decided to make thing difficult for us lah.
her the conversation we had......
immigration:here put change photo.y never change??what are u going to do??
Dad:eermm....when we get back we will change it
immigration:How can i help you??(with her hand making that money signal.u know those days that we demand money from people.then we show them that sign.the thumb moving across the 4 fingers.and she blatantly wave the other passports)
Dad:(immediately he knew what was going on.i was still rather loss.IT WAS BRIBBING TIME.actually not really bribbing.she demanded money from us in a smart way.which equates to EXTORTION.but no choice lor.she held my passport and returned his and the my dad had to put RM50 in his passport and gave it back to her.then she pretended nth had happen and let us pass of course taking the bribe of RM50 lah.walao this must be the quickest transaction man.the second u reach M'sia u spend RM50 to "buy" back your passport)
whoooo.......50 dollars just flew away.but she was damn smart seeing the right target and flipping to the right page.walao.but what to do at the immigration office they are king wad.they want to be bribed we also no choice but to give lor.
so for 50 dollars u can gain entry to M'sia.Aiya take it as entry fees afterthat then nth "exciting" happen maybe S'poreans should consider not driving Limos over esp when u have a fault that they can find with you.
oh yah i just rmb smth.that Weekend car guy came to apologise and said some bullshit that i was not in the least interested to hear.and it was here that i relised that the woman beside him was damn ugly and fat somemore and short.OMG.what other worst combination can you get from that....but wateva lah.(lucky i didn't say the sex thing.if not i think i'll kill myself man)and when they guy was bullshitting to me i just spat on the floor and left.afterall that was all he deserves anyway.......
not that i didn't bother but i somehow just slipped out of my didn't get it done.cause they wrote change photo in the passport and i somehow did that smart immigrati0n officer(woman somemore) seeing that we are good money trees that she can grab(or more like ripped off) extra cash from decided to make thing difficult for us lah.
her the conversation we had......
immigration:here put change photo.y never change??what are u going to do??
Dad:eermm....when we get back we will change it
immigration:How can i help you??(with her hand making that money signal.u know those days that we demand money from people.then we show them that sign.the thumb moving across the 4 fingers.and she blatantly wave the other passports)
Dad:(immediately he knew what was going on.i was still rather loss.IT WAS BRIBBING TIME.actually not really bribbing.she demanded money from us in a smart way.which equates to EXTORTION.but no choice lor.she held my passport and returned his and the my dad had to put RM50 in his passport and gave it back to her.then she pretended nth had happen and let us pass of course taking the bribe of RM50 lah.walao this must be the quickest transaction man.the second u reach M'sia u spend RM50 to "buy" back your passport)
whoooo.......50 dollars just flew away.but she was damn smart seeing the right target and flipping to the right page.walao.but what to do at the immigration office they are king wad.they want to be bribed we also no choice but to give lor.
so for 50 dollars u can gain entry to M'sia.Aiya take it as entry fees afterthat then nth "exciting" happen maybe S'poreans should consider not driving Limos over esp when u have a fault that they can find with you.
oh yah i just rmb smth.that Weekend car guy came to apologise and said some bullshit that i was not in the least interested to hear.and it was here that i relised that the woman beside him was damn ugly and fat somemore and short.OMG.what other worst combination can you get from that....but wateva lah.(lucky i didn't say the sex thing.if not i think i'll kill myself man)and when they guy was bullshitting to me i just spat on the floor and left.afterall that was all he deserves anyway.......
Thursday, January 22, 2009
My last day of job will be 22/1.after that i'm free to party again.hahas...but actually not really lah cause on saturday i think i got to leave the country again.This time its not Milan,New York, San Francisco,Berlin or any big cities in the west.i'll just be going to malaysia.its like the same for every year;don't want also must wateva.maybe i shall sleep 18 hrs a day there??sounds retarded but i have not tried before.besides there is nth to shops=no shopping=no spending=unneccesary for any spending just gonna literally do nth at all.
so yeah.that's all for Lunar New Year(LNY)haha.advance blogging.the red Packets thing.don't talk abt it.even though i get the best exchange rates in the world RM1 is to s$1.the total sum its still damn little for the most ordinary for most people their spending comes from the Red Packets thing.i "don't even get to spend" in a way cause its too little.crap sia then i don't get to visit any relatives in S'pore=don't get their money blah blah blah.of course the biggest donor for the LNY thing is my big lah.without fail every single year(if i do not remember wrongly) the amount is always probably that's the only thing to cheer about.
BUT i got to say isomthing lah in such economic status the world is facing and the technical recession S'pore is facing i'm damned blessed.we have not cut down on anything thing yet.we don't have to worry about food or shelter.we still continue to go for our usual big meals at swanky restaurants.and in a way we can still "so called" buy a "luxury" without having to scrimp and save just to get "that thing".
i'll already prepared to slurge out big cash over the next few days before LNY.woohoo can't wait man.i'm definitely buying a damn good chair.we'll just see what they just have to be stylistic, comfortable with high back rest with proper support and a head support where i can rest in total comfort.this is actually more of a need than a want so i don't think this is counted as a luxury bahs...hahas.i really need a ultra comfortable chair
hmm....i think i need to buy a bag too.still considering Nike or sucks when most outlet don't really sell the same thing so what one shop have the other shop might not have so its practically running to a few shops to see what they have.
we are thinking of going to shop for some clothes too?!?!?i think most of us form S'pore going right??if i'm not wrong Tim already made an appointment with Zegna i think.we can use the discount they give us for drinks so they's meet for drinks before we go man.i heard they giving us 20% so good right?but must be more then
15 ooo right??wadeva lah go there then settle.hopefully they got new designs with new arrivals=many many more variety to choose from. :)
so yeah that's abt it i guess.i'm already advance blogging.and i've yet to accept the reality that school is starting soon.sian man.but don't u think the system is a bit crazy??assuming that you are going to a JC they would tell you which school you are going on the 30th(friday) then you are suppose to get ready and everything and report in the 2nd(monday)??isn't it retarded??can't they just give us more time to be even mentally orientated and settled down before reporting??hais whateva lah.too bad we go to fit in the system and not to system fit for us.
taking the back sit is sometimes the best thing to do.
-Jonathan Taylor
-The quote where the modelling world swears by
so yeah.that's all for Lunar New Year(LNY)haha.advance blogging.the red Packets thing.don't talk abt it.even though i get the best exchange rates in the world RM1 is to s$1.the total sum its still damn little for the most ordinary for most people their spending comes from the Red Packets thing.i "don't even get to spend" in a way cause its too little.crap sia then i don't get to visit any relatives in S'pore=don't get their money blah blah blah.of course the biggest donor for the LNY thing is my big lah.without fail every single year(if i do not remember wrongly) the amount is always probably that's the only thing to cheer about.
BUT i got to say isomthing lah in such economic status the world is facing and the technical recession S'pore is facing i'm damned blessed.we have not cut down on anything thing yet.we don't have to worry about food or shelter.we still continue to go for our usual big meals at swanky restaurants.and in a way we can still "so called" buy a "luxury" without having to scrimp and save just to get "that thing".
i'll already prepared to slurge out big cash over the next few days before LNY.woohoo can't wait man.i'm definitely buying a damn good chair.we'll just see what they just have to be stylistic, comfortable with high back rest with proper support and a head support where i can rest in total comfort.this is actually more of a need than a want so i don't think this is counted as a luxury bahs...hahas.i really need a ultra comfortable chair
hmm....i think i need to buy a bag too.still considering Nike or sucks when most outlet don't really sell the same thing so what one shop have the other shop might not have so its practically running to a few shops to see what they have.
we are thinking of going to shop for some clothes too?!?!?i think most of us form S'pore going right??if i'm not wrong Tim already made an appointment with Zegna i think.we can use the discount they give us for drinks so they's meet for drinks before we go man.i heard they giving us 20% so good right?but must be more then
15 ooo right??wadeva lah go there then settle.hopefully they got new designs with new arrivals=many many more variety to choose from. :)
so yeah that's abt it i guess.i'm already advance blogging.and i've yet to accept the reality that school is starting soon.sian man.but don't u think the system is a bit crazy??assuming that you are going to a JC they would tell you which school you are going on the 30th(friday) then you are suppose to get ready and everything and report in the 2nd(monday)??isn't it retarded??can't they just give us more time to be even mentally orientated and settled down before reporting??hais whateva lah.too bad we go to fit in the system and not to system fit for us.
taking the back sit is sometimes the best thing to do.
-Jonathan Taylor
-The quote where the modelling world swears by
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Goodbye my friends Bon Voyage to Qingdao
today is bidding goodbye to my friends in the Volvo ocean race.they will head to Qingda, is said to be a very tough journey ahead due to extreme weather and strong headon winds.
i can still remember the time when we 1st met when u guys arrive in the later part of december.for some reason we clicked well and became buddies (hopefully) forever.i'll miss all you guys from Sweden.though the time we spent was short but it was very enriching and i learnt much from you guys.
i'll be cheering all you guys and specially rooting for team Ericsson 4 and3.i'll be cheering for the teams but i'll place my bet on the Ericsson teams.for the other teams that are lacking behind don't such a sport like yatch racing the is so dependent on the weather and wind conditions, anything can change for good or for worst.
just remember what happen to telefonica black.from the cape of good hope in Africa to India they were the underdogs and always lacking behind.but just one decision change the destiny of the whole team.just the decision at the last part of the race to stick close to the coast.that decision.that risk paid off.
towards the finishing, they overtook many teams as those teams were sailing together as a pack and so when you overtake, you overtake the whole group.this really shocked all the teams as well as the people waiting for them at the finishing line.overtaking puma, delta Lioyd and a few others i think.
now if the info we are getting is not wrong, Puma is leading the race followed by Ericsson 4, Telefonica blue, Ericsson 3, Telefonica black, green goodluck guys.hope that in the future we can meet again real soon.hopefully S'pore has been playing good host so they can host the Ocean race again next time.and maybe then we can meet again.
For Now Bon Voyage!!!
i can still remember the time when we 1st met when u guys arrive in the later part of december.for some reason we clicked well and became buddies (hopefully) forever.i'll miss all you guys from Sweden.though the time we spent was short but it was very enriching and i learnt much from you guys.
i'll be cheering all you guys and specially rooting for team Ericsson 4 and3.i'll be cheering for the teams but i'll place my bet on the Ericsson teams.for the other teams that are lacking behind don't such a sport like yatch racing the is so dependent on the weather and wind conditions, anything can change for good or for worst.
just remember what happen to telefonica black.from the cape of good hope in Africa to India they were the underdogs and always lacking behind.but just one decision change the destiny of the whole team.just the decision at the last part of the race to stick close to the coast.that decision.that risk paid off.
towards the finishing, they overtook many teams as those teams were sailing together as a pack and so when you overtake, you overtake the whole group.this really shocked all the teams as well as the people waiting for them at the finishing line.overtaking puma, delta Lioyd and a few others i think.
now if the info we are getting is not wrong, Puma is leading the race followed by Ericsson 4, Telefonica blue, Ericsson 3, Telefonica black, green goodluck guys.hope that in the future we can meet again real soon.hopefully S'pore has been playing good host so they can host the Ocean race again next time.and maybe then we can meet again.
For Now Bon Voyage!!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
My B'dae(a happy downgrade)
This year for my b'dae i decided to have something different.i decided to have an ultimate downgrade compared to the past.
i decided to have this day to appreciate the simplicity of life and to have a slow pace of life for that i decided not to go to any swanky 5/6 star hotel or some upmarket restaurant with some michelin star studded chef whipping up a storm for you.those pricy dinners and english hi-teas for me might be considered a thing of the past now.for this day i wanted to lead a very simple life, in a relax atmosphere.i wanted a change to my decadent lifestyle.period.
so for the whole mood to be set it has to start with the trip going there.of course i gave up a chauffeured driven why not try the public transport??i didn't want to go any where very distant so i decided to go to JP instead.walked around and decided to go to some place called fig and olive i think.some mediterranean style sort of thing.well the menu looks rather decided to give it a go.yeah it was not bad.had some dory with cheeze on it.i had a set meal sort of thing.quite cheap i must say.soup+main course+a drink only 15,16 i think quite reasonable.compared to the past when dining in some fine dining place the bill could easily escalate to a hundred per person excluding drink where a simple non-alcoholic mix could be around 15bucks at least(retard man1 drink=1 whole meal with drink and soup).
but maybe they lose out a bit on their they serve their main course then their it was like...
so by the time i had the soup the main dish was already not in its prime condition anymore.but i was like nevermind lahs..afterall juz appreciate for what it is lahs.just took my time and relax and just enjoy the ambience.afterall there were not much people there.since most had work or went to school.
after that decided to go for some shopping.when i came back i realised that i bought 2 shirts and spend less than 100 bucks.quite impressive huh?i think total the shirts cost me aroud 80+...quite good already lah i think.compared to last time.anyhow go to those boutiques then in a way binge buying.then at least 1000 gone each time.then never really wear or use also.but Paragon service damn good man.but if u want to go buy LV go Taka got doorman to open the door for you too and dedicated staffs to attend to your slightest needs.
so this time i think i was quite careful in my i spend the whole day there.i wanted a shirt rather badly but then no size.their"XL" was like still very small on me(something bad about being tall man)so cannot get.but on hindsight i realise maybe it was a blessing in disguise.cause thinking back i think i would have regretted my choice if i had purchased it.lucky man....if not waste money then don't wear...haha
yeah so on the whole.the whole day was rather to my satisfaction.i also get to appreciate the simplicity of life and it made me realise that for any celebration its not very neccessary to splurge thousands without thinking and for the sake of doing so.but while shopping i received a lot of sms about the date of release of result which will be on the doesn't matter.get the results then see where to go.
anyway special thanks to those who send me b'dae regards, wishes, cards and all the gifts you guys showered me.i love them all.thanks guys.when i gave it to you guys i didn't really expect anything in return so thanks for everything.goodluck for the will be a treacherous and arduous journey ahead for all of us...
i just put my hope and trust in you and in you know where is the best place for me.just like the path way you showed me and showered me with blessing and care along the way for the past few wadeva it is ...i'm staying cool about it...i really hope i will
i decided to have this day to appreciate the simplicity of life and to have a slow pace of life for that i decided not to go to any swanky 5/6 star hotel or some upmarket restaurant with some michelin star studded chef whipping up a storm for you.those pricy dinners and english hi-teas for me might be considered a thing of the past now.for this day i wanted to lead a very simple life, in a relax atmosphere.i wanted a change to my decadent lifestyle.period.
so for the whole mood to be set it has to start with the trip going there.of course i gave up a chauffeured driven why not try the public transport??i didn't want to go any where very distant so i decided to go to JP instead.walked around and decided to go to some place called fig and olive i think.some mediterranean style sort of thing.well the menu looks rather decided to give it a go.yeah it was not bad.had some dory with cheeze on it.i had a set meal sort of thing.quite cheap i must say.soup+main course+a drink only 15,16 i think quite reasonable.compared to the past when dining in some fine dining place the bill could easily escalate to a hundred per person excluding drink where a simple non-alcoholic mix could be around 15bucks at least(retard man1 drink=1 whole meal with drink and soup).
but maybe they lose out a bit on their they serve their main course then their it was like...
so by the time i had the soup the main dish was already not in its prime condition anymore.but i was like nevermind lahs..afterall juz appreciate for what it is lahs.just took my time and relax and just enjoy the ambience.afterall there were not much people there.since most had work or went to school.
after that decided to go for some shopping.when i came back i realised that i bought 2 shirts and spend less than 100 bucks.quite impressive huh?i think total the shirts cost me aroud 80+...quite good already lah i think.compared to last time.anyhow go to those boutiques then in a way binge buying.then at least 1000 gone each time.then never really wear or use also.but Paragon service damn good man.but if u want to go buy LV go Taka got doorman to open the door for you too and dedicated staffs to attend to your slightest needs.
so this time i think i was quite careful in my i spend the whole day there.i wanted a shirt rather badly but then no size.their"XL" was like still very small on me(something bad about being tall man)so cannot get.but on hindsight i realise maybe it was a blessing in disguise.cause thinking back i think i would have regretted my choice if i had purchased it.lucky man....if not waste money then don't wear...haha
yeah so on the whole.the whole day was rather to my satisfaction.i also get to appreciate the simplicity of life and it made me realise that for any celebration its not very neccessary to splurge thousands without thinking and for the sake of doing so.but while shopping i received a lot of sms about the date of release of result which will be on the doesn't matter.get the results then see where to go.
anyway special thanks to those who send me b'dae regards, wishes, cards and all the gifts you guys showered me.i love them all.thanks guys.when i gave it to you guys i didn't really expect anything in return so thanks for everything.goodluck for the will be a treacherous and arduous journey ahead for all of us...
i just put my hope and trust in you and in you know where is the best place for me.just like the path way you showed me and showered me with blessing and care along the way for the past few wadeva it is ...i'm staying cool about it...i really hope i will
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
slow life
finally for the first time today i can feel like my life is slowing down for the i can blog in the day and not in the crazy hours in the morning.its my b'dae today so obviously i'm not working.decided to take things easy and lead a laidback life for today.something rather weird happen to me today.for the first time i decided to take a MRT instead of most probably going to take the MRT then have lunch.see how lahs.
so just came back from chalet on Monday.yeah it was with everyone then play play play lor.those wacking game and the forfeit thing.quite enjoy lahs.but too bad sunday morning got to get up rather early to settle some stuffs.dun know if its jet lag of what but foer the both days i slept early compared to the rest.i also don't know what time i sleep lahs.i didn't bring my watch on purpose so i can be lost in time.hahas.those carefree lifestlye type.
it was the only fun and relax retreat i went for the holidays.the time in NY and San Francisco was hectic and though the festive atmosphere was there but for some reason i feel that the pace was too fast to enjoy anything.but afterall the NY trip was not meant to be a holiday.
i think i should start to slow down the pace of life to really enjoy life.cos the holidays are going to end.everyone is starting to get worried for the o'level results and starting to speculate the date of release of the results.people say its 9 some say 12,15.yeah those are the dates that i have been hearing.but i dun think i want to predict anything.seriously i don't want to really be bother about the date of release of the result.i dun know wadeva the date of release is lahs.hahas.when its time it will be for now people just relax man.afterall what is done is done.the date of release would not change the result so actually the date of release would not matter at good luck to all.hope everyone get their desired results and get into their desired JC or poly course thet they want.
i hope i can blog the part2 of the whole 2 weeks soon.have fun.our holidays are coming to a close byes..
so just came back from chalet on Monday.yeah it was with everyone then play play play lor.those wacking game and the forfeit thing.quite enjoy lahs.but too bad sunday morning got to get up rather early to settle some stuffs.dun know if its jet lag of what but foer the both days i slept early compared to the rest.i also don't know what time i sleep lahs.i didn't bring my watch on purpose so i can be lost in time.hahas.those carefree lifestlye type.
it was the only fun and relax retreat i went for the holidays.the time in NY and San Francisco was hectic and though the festive atmosphere was there but for some reason i feel that the pace was too fast to enjoy anything.but afterall the NY trip was not meant to be a holiday.
i think i should start to slow down the pace of life to really enjoy life.cos the holidays are going to end.everyone is starting to get worried for the o'level results and starting to speculate the date of release of the results.people say its 9 some say 12,15.yeah those are the dates that i have been hearing.but i dun think i want to predict anything.seriously i don't want to really be bother about the date of release of the result.i dun know wadeva the date of release is lahs.hahas.when its time it will be for now people just relax man.afterall what is done is done.the date of release would not change the result so actually the date of release would not matter at good luck to all.hope everyone get their desired results and get into their desired JC or poly course thet they want.
i hope i can blog the part2 of the whole 2 weeks soon.have fun.our holidays are coming to a close byes..
Friday, January 2, 2009
San Francisco
yes i'm at San Francisco.hahas.its real fun here and i'm soaking in the atmosphere.its fun being with all the MODs again after around a week and a half of not seeing each other.but got to go back a chalet that can't be missed.its 9.45am here feeling like sleeping more.hahas.flight is later around midnight local time.arrive in s'pore around midday on saturday.then go straight to the chalet.hahas.should be having fun for the next few days.its been everywhere for me for the start of the year.its like all over the place.and i'm having a whale of a time.juz for a change.its been a great time in San to go for breakfast now.maybe blog later or in the airport.if not it will be after the chalet which i think its most probable.hahas.i'm excited.can't wait to go for the chalet when i get back...byes....
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