Wednesday, January 28, 2009


sometimes its not very wise to drive MERC over to rather"corrupted" countries like in my case M'sia.cos if i don't remember wrongly the last trip i went to San Francisco they wanted my passport photo change so...

not that i didn't bother but i somehow just slipped out of my didn't get it done.cause they wrote change photo in the passport and i somehow did that smart immigrati0n officer(woman somemore) seeing that we are good money trees that she can grab(or more like ripped off) extra cash from decided to make thing difficult for us lah.

her the conversation we had......

immigration:here put change photo.y never change??what are u going to do??

Dad:eermm....when we get back we will change it

immigration:How can i help you??(with her hand making that money signal.u know those days that we demand money from people.then we show them that sign.the thumb moving across the 4 fingers.and she blatantly wave the other passports)

Dad:(immediately he knew what was going on.i was still rather loss.IT WAS BRIBBING TIME.actually not really bribbing.she demanded money from us in a smart way.which equates to EXTORTION.but no choice lor.she held my passport and returned his and the my dad had to put RM50 in his passport and gave it back to her.then she pretended nth had happen and let us pass of course taking the bribe of RM50 lah.walao this must be the quickest transaction man.the second u reach M'sia u spend RM50 to "buy" back your passport)

whoooo.......50 dollars just flew away.but she was damn smart seeing the right target and flipping to the right page.walao.but what to do at the immigration office they are king wad.they want to be bribed we also no choice but to give lor.

so for 50 dollars u can gain entry to M'sia.Aiya take it as entry fees afterthat then nth "exciting" happen maybe S'poreans should consider not driving Limos over esp when u have a fault that they can find with you.

oh yah i just rmb smth.that Weekend car guy came to apologise and said some bullshit that i was not in the least interested to hear.and it was here that i relised that the woman beside him was damn ugly and fat somemore and short.OMG.what other worst combination can you get from that....but wateva lah.(lucky i didn't say the sex thing.if not i think i'll kill myself man)and when they guy was bullshitting to me i just spat on the floor and left.afterall that was all he deserves anyway.......

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