Thursday, January 29, 2009

11-inches above ground

watching America's Next Top Model now....

haha....went to see a doctor today.not for cold, not for fever but for some lower back pain.hahas....

The reason??being CRAZY in NewYork last year.hahas

We were supposed to do in some opening of a new store in NY and we all decided to do something crazy and provocative.I mean all of us in this line has to be provocative we decided to be really over the top this time.

we decided to dorn this huge chanel sunglass for some funk and add more what really caused the back pain was obviously not the chanel glasses but our footwear.

our ultra reatrded was so crazy that we had to have it pre-order.hahas.actually we all chip in the design to the final was our funky masterpiece.since it was like winter we decided to have boots of course and the heals were the one that caused all the pain that all of us had to endure during the opening ceremony and the pain we had to suffer till 1 month already and none of us had recovered yet.crazy we were all quite worried that we really sustained some permanent i decided to have a check just for physcological reasons.

the base of our boots was 6-inches pointed heals on 5-inches we were all elevated that will make me 207.5cm.OMG.we were really towering above others at the opening.haha's was fun arriving in was a great experience for all of us i guess.but i got to say that the interior of the boots was really comfortable with thick fur throughout the whole interior with velvet and crytals on the exterior on goat's leather.

it was all wobbly and shaky at first but we all got used to it and was mastering the technique of it quite easily.afterall its not that we have never been on heals at all.its just that the one we have is not that the pain set in half way and in the car we just literally ripped out our boots.legs all cramped and sore and it was then that we felt the pain in all our backs.esp the lower back where all the straining and balance was.

actually we just went up to our room bare footed and still shaky and weak all over.and the floor was so cold that it just numb your feet which in some sense good so we won't feel the pain.but it was not.the pain from the boots is in the bones but the chill from the floor is in the skin so it was pain on pain.luckily the next few days was not so hectic.just some short appearence for us.

so the doctor just diagnosed it to be some strain in the lower back.whew...luckily not some bone prob or wat eva.i still can lay my palm flat on the floor so i guess it should and i hope it would not be some big prob and hopefully the pain would subside after a while and the medications i was given.

hais...tmr at 8am.we would know what school we would go...

should i be worried?afraid? or excited?i don't know.i guess i will still be sleeping.since waking up early or late won't really change the fact of what school i i go so might as well sleep longer.provided i can sleep that is...



Anonymous said...

Oh don't remind us of the high heals+platform incident man.i think i shall go have a check tmr too.everyone is still hurt man.anyways...goodluck to your new school...

have fun


Anonymous said...

haha...finally it was something that the gals did better than the guys...haha
luv u babies....
have fun

Anonymous said...

luckily we are used to heals which gives us an edge while it made u guys edgy..hahas...have fun..come back to modelling whenevre u r free.we all miss u babies...


Anonymous said...

lalala~ nothing to do online. Nobody is online man! argh ):

School starts~ No midnight chatting anymore eh :D

Jonathan Taylor said...

haha.i guess so.i don't think i will have the time man.but from time to time i'll still "rewind" and reminise abt the times that we were chatting at crazy hours.all those past midnight chatting and partying we damn fun.most probably the best times of my hols even better than San Francisco..

haha.let's keep in touch....byes..